Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tuesday Tabenings the Second

What is a 'Tabening', anyway? Sounds like... there was a movie... ah yes, the Highlander that didn't happen. Yeah, we don't want to go there. Let's envision it more like a 'happening'. Or maybe a 'ravening'. Yeees, that's the ticket. A yawning maw in the earth, eager to consume.

So, progress report. Although CORE moved forward yesterday, today has not been productive. I should be working on 'Pierced', I mentally have the next things to say all lined up and ready, and I just can't write. I just, I just need to, there's this... something, stopping me.

What's odd is that I seem to get into these funks when I lack for distraction. I don't have any video games that I'm playing right now - and I yearn for one, but they all seem "meh" at the moment. I had a big burst of work-related activity recently but that's died down. I just sit at my computer and don't feel like doing anything. It's bad. I have the time, I should get shit done, but instead I don't. Probably some manic-depressive thing, only not, you know, serious.

Ah, well. This too shall pass. Mebbe tomorrow the ol' fingers will work again.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya. Usually that turns into endless Reddit browsing, which is really just a huge waste of time. I need to find that motivation to start a new story, but I just can't quite figure out where to start.
