Thursday, February 22, 2018


Not the best night for writing, as it turned out. School event in the evening, then cooking for a work thing tomorrow... but by God I did add a page or two. Let's hear it for a lack of fail.


  1. Excellent. Looking forward to it.

  2. Mighty fine work there Tabico. Really looking forward to reading.

  3. Every little bit counts, you know? If that 21.6k is your wordcount so far, that sounds like you're still getting a project going quitew ell and that's all that matters.

    Every success is a lack of fail, so here's to your failure continuing to fail :)

  4. Something is always better than nothing. Even if it's only one sentence, it's progress!

  5. Thanks for the update!

    'Cooking for a work thing'? I hope you love where you work 'cos a lot of places I've worked if I were to have somehow found myself in a circumstance where I had to cook for my co-workers (or clients?) I would have been tempted to put forth less than my best effort.
