Saturday, March 23, 2019


Crap, it's Saturday! Four days late! I'm a little concerned about this trend...

Anyway, what happened in smut last week. Well, if you (like me) hadn't noticed, Callidus posted a new story with some accompanying images. Funny thing is, I check his blog every few days or so, but the sneaky fellow posted the story without posting a blog update and so although the story dates to February 19th I hadn't been aware of it until just a few days ago.

This is also another piece of annoying fallout of the bowdlerization of tumblr, which used to be the easy way to check these things but of course is now pointless.

So go check out 'Neighborly'. It's super hot, although I would say that because it's drawing a heavy influence from one of my own stories. And as I have said many times before, I write what I want to read, so if other people write similar stuff I am just chuffed. And I was so chuffed this time as well! Huzzah!

In other smut related news, three of my usual porn comics are going on and worth keeping up with:

and of course
I have to admit I don't know what a "Gardevoir" is (well yes, it's clearly a Pokemon, but I mean beyond that) but in The Kite's universe they are certainly very fuckable.

In non-smut news I watched 'Captain Marvel' the other night and liked it bunches. I've always been a fan of the whole Kree-Skrull conflict and it was fun to see it on screen, although their characterization of the skrulls was a bit off IMO. Also they juuuust shied away from having C.M. being a lesbian, which was regrettable as far as I am concerned but understandable given that they wanted that sweet, sweet $750 million (or whatever) in global ticket revenue. Alas. Still a fun movie.


  1. Well, glad to see you blogging. Thanks for the Callidus heads up. I continue to check EMCA every week hoping to see something from you, and will continue to do so. Looking forward to it!!!

  2. "it's drawing a heavy influence from one of my own stories"

    Huh, I wonder which one? Lord May, I guess?

    (Recites the name out loud)


  3. Lord may is one of the very few stories with a heterosexual master/slave dynamic that i have enjoyed. Not sure what about it doesn't quite click with me. It's clear Tabico's writing, with some exquisite scenes, really is they key here. I would be interested in any recommendations for other similar quality stories though.
    Regarding Neighbourly,i thought it was a great take on Lord May. Lots of hot brainwashing fun.

  4. I'd meant to mention this another time, but forgot til now. There is a book series you might like. The Jane Hawk series by Dean Koontz. The amount of mind controlled ladies reduced to a blank stupor through nanomachines may be of interest to you, though I imagine you'll feel the controller us wasteful.
