Tuesday, April 26, 2016

First Post!

Some Anon over on 4chan observed that I hadn't updated my latest story, Pierced, and wondered if there was someplace that one might find out the status of what was up with me and my publishing schedule.

This crystallized a lingering desire I've had to blather about stuff, and having seen that thrall has maintained a blogspot blog for several years now, it seemed like a decent place to instantiate my pseudonymous presence.

So, here I am! I figure I should be able to generate a few posts a week as various fetishy ideas hit me, or I discover something I like that seems relevant, or failing that I fall back on other stuff I like which I simply hadn't mentioned yet. Also I shall try to update the status of things I may or may not be working on.


  1. Uzobono let the cat out of the bag on DA. I'll have to read through and see what strikes my fancy.

  2. I am grateful you told me of this blog. I shall try to visit and see how you fare!
