Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tabenings - N'est Pas Un Pipe


Well, there's one update left in August, and I don't see a way that I'll be in it. My, shall we say, employer, opted to have me not embark upon the, let's call it, project which I had prepared for, but rather a different one entirely, leaving me scrambling to ready myself before the, shall we say, clients arrive.

I know, I know. Lame excuses. But you will just have to learn that in the Secret Files we are working on a "best effort" basis.

In other news... AWMBH has started up a blog, so if you like gently cartoony sexy mind control illustrations, you might have a gander over there.

I'll update you on the writing front as soon as writing happens; also I need to do a mailbag post because I am running out of room in my brain to remember the responses I wanted to give to certain questions and issues that arose. We'll shoot for that in the next day or so.


  1. Your, shall we say, employer should clearly be paying for smut production. Or maybe a different class of client is needed. Terrible cliffhanger we were left with but no worries, it's done when it's done.

  2. Never mind the delays, any story from you is worth the wait.

    If you are planning to do a Q&A soon, could you elaborate on what inspires you to create fantastic stories such as Codi, your comics and Rouge?

  3. Aw shucks! Well, that's the way the cookie crumbles!

    They say the client is always right, but usually what that really means is that the client is always indecisive. They can never make up their minds as to what they actually want!

    I will check out the other blog, and of course I am interested in your mailbag. With luck we will be graced with more of your writing soon!

    In other news, my story is nearing completion. I am halfway through the last chapter and my editor has eviscerated the first several chapters. With any luck I will finish the last chapter by this weekend and continue the editing work, allowing me to start sending out parts late next week for your perusal!

  4. I'm endlessly curious what you do...-JN

    1. I didn't find her excuse lame at all because the way she said "employer" led me to think that it was some sinister Mind Control force and the way she said "clients" sounded more like she was talking about potential mind control victims.
