Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tabenings - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Edition

Ha-HA! I am not dead!

First off, sorry about that. Nothing dramatic happened, but my life just got super busy to the point where things were falling off the plate, as it were. And although you know I love you, when it comes down to it, it's family first, then work, and my porn-writing hobby comes in fairly far down that list. So when the going got hectic, the blogging got cut.

But I'm back! And I shall do my level best to keep updating.

Hmm. Not great news on the 'Modding' front - 16,895 words as I check this evening - and I did a little work on it this evening - so some movement, but that pretty much was on hold for the last month as well. On a different front, I *have* started CORE #12 with Uzobono; the first thirty or so pages are written and Uzo's cranking out the illustrations. So there are a couple of irons in the fire at the moment.

People continue to make the entirely understandable observation that they'd like the conclusion to 'Pierced'. And so would I! So let's not go writing that off just yet, it did take me over a year to get to the coda for 'Seed'.

But for now, let's just go with 'okay, I am blogging and writing smut again' and see how things pick up. My predictions about having more time at this time of year were laughably incorrect, so I shall refrain from further predictions and fall back upon hope.

Also, the solar eclipse was pretty cool.


  1. Thus she was resurrected!
    Good to see you back, can't wait to read it all.

  2. Great to see you back, and can't wait for your next piece!

  3. Not dead, hooray! I have been checking every so often to see if the most interesting blogger on my list had returned, and so she has!

    I have good news, and bad news. The good news I that I've continued working on my hive story, and it's up to ~35,000 words. The bad news is that I'm pretty sure it's only half done. At an approximate output of about 5,000 words a week, this may take awhile to finish unless I get a swift kick in the pants...

    1. cant wait.....anything along that vein is always a great read
